Manufacturing & Supply
- Manufacturing & supply agreements
- Requirements contracts
- Purchase Orders
- Sales Acknowledgments
- Pricing Letters
- RFP/RFI Responses & Bids
Manufacturing, supply and distribution agreements are specialized forms of services agreements that typically go to the core of at least one party's income statement. Frequently, a manufacturing and supply agreement is but one in a cascade of agreements, with the buyer sandwiched between its supplier and its customers up the value chain. Warranties, indemnities, return policies and even delivery schedules need to be carefully matched so that no one in the value chain gets stuck "holding the bag" other than the party that caused the delay or defect. At the same time, the manufacturer of a $1 part cannot pretend to be fiscally responsible if it accepts all of the financial consequences of a $500 end user product return that arises from a flaw in its $1 product.
Representative transactions:
- Adhesives
- Backlit building panels
- Electrophoretic ink
- Front plane laminates for electronic displays
- High performance automotive parts
- Lighting products
- Medical devices
- Motion control instrumentation
- Music CDs
- Network appliances
- Neurochemicals
- Photoluminescent materials
- Photonics instrumentation
- Smart cards
- Sports equipment materials
- Sunglasses
- Textiles
- Ultrasound catheters